Saturday, November 17, 2012

Dominican Advertising

Advertising in Dominica is unlike anything I have ever seen before.  There aren't any normal billboards, only the occasional hand-painted ads on the sides of local bars.  There also seems to be minimal printed ads because I don't think there is a printed newspaper (or I have yet to see one). What they love to do is drive around with a pickup truck that has a huge megaphone strapped on top and yell out the advertisements.

I have heard it a couple of times advertising the local market and various Lime (the phone company) deals.  Today it has reached a new level.  Apparently the little bar right next to my apartment decided it needed more business, so they got the megaphone truck guy to help them out.  He has been yelling out garbled slogans about cheap beer and how everyone should come on down.  For a while he kept doing laps around the short block that I live on.  Definitely not conducive to a Saturday of studying but at least it exposes me to different advertising methods!

Here is a video of what it was like, just click on the link (except the guy was talking in English not Chinese and the truck is a really old, beaten down pick-up). megaphone truck video  I tried to get an actual picture  but that didn't work out. Once they saw me trying to take a picture, they started calling out to me by the megaphone.

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